Shut Down within 2 sec

Posted by ćĥĭţţįþяǻлввЙ April 18, 2010

How to create One-Click Shutdown and Reboot Shortcuts ?

Steps to create One-Click Shutdown & Reboot shortcuts -:

1. Right-clicking on the desktop, choosing New, and then choosing Shortcut


3. Click on Next & write Rebooting your PC. This will create a shortcut icon on your desktop.
 Double-clicking on that shortcut will reboot your PC after a one-second delay and
display the message "Rebooting your PC".

Here are the ones I use:

shutdown -s -t 03 -c "Bye Bye m8!"

shutdown -r -t 03 -c "Ill be back m8!"

What these command actually does -:

-s Shuts down the PC.

-l Logs off the current user.

-t nn Indicates the duration of delay, in seconds, before performing the action.

-c "messagetext" Displays a message in the System Shutdown window.
                               A maximum of 127 characters can be used.
                               The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

-f Forces any running applications to shut down.

-r Reboots the PC.


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